The one thing I hear new entrepreneurs say is “My customer is everyone…everyone can use my product!” Now, this may be true, but not everyone is going to purchase your product or service. So, my…
Stop Doing Busy Work and Be More Productive
Entrepreneurs know who they have the potential to be. They’re visionaries, so they see what they can become if they take that leap of faith into entrepreneurship. The challenge is seeing that process through. Execution is…
What Is a Fearless Entrepreneur?
“True morality consists not in following the beaten track, but in finding the true path for ourselves, and fearlessly following it.” — Mahatma Gandhi This quest of entrepreneurship for me has been an quest to…
Influencers That Aren’t Tracking Their Links Are Missing Out
Content is King, but if it’s not trackable then can you really tell how effective it is? If you are an influencer you need to know your numbers. Likes and followers are great, but your…