The one thing I hear new entrepreneurs say is “My customer is everyone…everyone can use my product!” Now, this may be true, but not everyone is going to purchase your product or service. So, my question to you all is do you want to promote to everyone or do you want to promote to people who see value in your product?

My advice is promote to those who already see value in you, your product, and your service. In order to do that you have to be able to identify who these people are. Below, I’ll give you the first 3 Ways to Identify Your Target Audience.

William talks quickly about the importance of identifying your ideal client.

Begin Researching

Start researching your industry, the market, the competition, and the large pool of potential customers you’ve already identified. A lot of this research has already been done and can be found in existing sources. If you already have clients try researching by sending out surveys, doing interviews, or holding focus groups to get the information you need.

Develop a Customer Avatar

Ok, so you’ve completed your research. Use this information you to develop a customer avatar or customer profile. This will be an in-depth description of who your typical customer might be, and will include things like: demographics, behaviors, interests, and psychographic information. It should include age, gender, location, marital status, ethnic background, income and more. The psychographic information should include interests, values, hobbies, behaviors, attitudes, lifestyle, and more. You should really be able to go through a full day’s experience with your avatar and how they come to you product to find value or solve a problem.

Find Your Audience

You can’t simply define who your target audience is, you have to find out what sites they currently visit, which social media platforms they use most frequently, what group and organizations they join. The information you gather for your customer profile, along with knowing where they hang out online will help you determine how to deliver your message.


In anything you do in entrepreneurship…heck even in life…you have to clarify your direction. This is the part that sets you apart from other entrepreneurs. This is the work that’s need to build a sustainable business. Can you get a few clients and make a few sales without applying this? Why certainly you can. But, if you are looking to take your business from just a hustle to a functional operating business, then you need to Research, Create an Avatar, and Find Your Audience.

To help you get started, I’ve created a FREE training and provided a bonus Avatar Worksheet.


Why A Customer Avatar is a Must-have for a Successful Business

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