
The Process

Identify Your Needs, Wants, and Pain Points
I want to understand where you are, and where you want to be. The only way to achieve this is to ask probing questions that get to the core of what you really, advise what you need to get it.
Find Out More
Research the true pain point, problem, and potential solutions. Here we'll discover the options for achieving your goals. We'll identify how to effective implement our finding into your plan.
Develop Possible Solutions Based On Your Business
I like to imagine what would your business look like if it were exactly where you wanted it to be. At the end of this process where would you like for this business to be. What does it look like? How does it feel for you as the owner or manager? What does the end look like for your business?
Develop A Plan
I like creating like any other creative, but creating without a plan is a recipe for disaster. At this point in the process we have done the research, identified what you feel you need and want, as well as discussed what this looks like for your business. Now it's time to take all these ideas and map out a way to get there while also keeping the things that are important to your business the top priority.
Execution of the Plan
This is our testing period. Put the plan into action to what results we get. We'll be simultaneously build process that work best for your unique business, team, and personality. Strategy will play an important role here as well.
Analyze, Measure, Optimize
Knowing the impact of our action is critical to effectively communicate to all stakeholders. With this information we can project the direct and indirect effects of the work being done. Not only that, we should also be able to see how we can optimize our efforts.
Make Necessary Changes
Improve the process by addressing any root causes for the result we get. Control the controllables, and make adjustments for the things that are beyond our control. If necessary redefine the process, revisit goal, and execute.

"Create the Day That You Want,
and Let's Create With No Fear!"

William Featherstone

I can help you with

Most frequent questions and answers


You'll share your vision and aspirations. Then we'll create a roadmap to get you there.


Let's develop a game plan for attracting the right people and turning them into clients.

BRAND Development

We'll create and strengthen your professional services brand identity and message.


What story are you telling and how are you communicating that in the content you develop.

Where Should I Start?

I purposefully give a lot of information out for FREE on my blog, social media, and podcast. But, if you're looking for more here's a good place to start.

Over the last 15+ years I’ve had a lot of projects, questions, and solutions. I share a lot of my experiences and insights in the #FREEGAME section of my website.

In my #NOTESย  you can expect to get straight forward info about the lessons I’ve learned, the strategies I’ve applied, and answers to questions you may not have known you needed to know. Here is where you’ll get everything I know and teach to my clients.ย 

My ideal clients are professionals & executives looking to invest in their own dreams. Some interested in maintaining their professional career & others want to work fulltime on their dreams. Clients have ranged from Engineers, Directors, to Bank VPs, & Lawyers looking to start a nonprofit, launch a show, become an author, or create a start-up. If you are looking to build a sustainable business digitally and/or offline, I can bring value.

To be in the room with a group of creatives, entrepreneurs, and founders in a coworking space is something special. I’ve been opening my doors to this community of people since I started this entrepreneur journey. It all started with a seat at the big white table (some of you remember that table ๐Ÿ˜‚). Now, we have a different different way of coworking.ย 

This road of entrepreneurship can feel like a lonely one. I know this, so I created a group of like-minded positive individuals who offer their insights to help along the way. This is an small group of entrepreneurs who are all about ACTION! Every quarter I accept a select a small number of entrepreneurs into this group. Be on the lookout for the next opening.

The Fearless Entrepreneur Podcast

I interview entrepreneurs and discuss how they got over their fears in business


Connect with & learn from like-minded entrepreneurs online.

Group Coworking

Coming Soon...