Everyone is trying to find out how to make money online. Almost like it’s some magic machine providing revenue solutions, but the truth is the fundamentals of entrepreneurship remain the same as they have been for many years.

Create a quality product or service, and exchange that service or product for something of value.

Now, I started my business in a very unique period when social media was just emerging, myspace was the social media giant, and websites were glorified business cards. I tried the brick and mortar, then went completely digital and watched my then graphic design business fluctuate in success and failure.

If I could do things over , knowing what I know now in digital marketing…here’s exactly what I would do:

  1. Think about what you do easily and people come to you for it on a regular bases.
  2. Purposefully find 3 people who need the value you offer, and give it away free.
  3. Document the entire process of you solving their issue (video, audio, take notes)
  4. Get a video testimonial from each person you were able to help
  5. Review the video and create a process or system from what you provided in a well written email pdf format outline each step in extreme detail.
  6. Create a landing page (approx. $50 for 1 month) where you give away the videos from #3, and give them away as a case studies in exchange for visitors email.
  7. Create a video ad for FACEBOOK, IG, YOUTUBE and explain what you’ve done for 3 people above and how you are giving away the entire case study for free. Have ad got to landing page as referenced in #6.
  8. Create a campaign with a $100 ad spend for each platform for 5 days and build email list.
  9. Collect emails and answer questions.
  10. Create an account on gumroad and create a digital product. Upload your PDF from step #5. Set the price at $19–30.
  11. End of 5th Day email everyone and offer the step by step process you applied to help the people in your case study
  12. Review the results and assess if you should be in business or put your focus elsewhere.

If you haven’t checked out my podcast, you should. I ask my guest to tell me how they would approach business with the new resources they have today. Check out what Online Marketing & Branding Expert, Alease Michelle, had to say:

Check out the episode HERE or you can catch it on iTunes or Google Play.

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