How are you currently marketing your product or services? Are you sharing them in a way that truly connects with your core audience?

Have you spent time identifying who your core audience is, who your buyers really are, and what really resonates with them?

I would venture to say “NO”. That’s because most businesses are sticking to the traditional means generating awareness. That is through TV, radio, and print ads. And they think that if they post enough ads, promos, and features on social media they’ll get the some return from being on these platforms. I get it. For years, traditional media cornered the market by gathering the attention of people with interesting content, and sold that attention to businesses hoping that it would build some awareness and result in sales.

Then, comes social media, which turned the industry upside down for everyone. Now, there is no buffer between customer and business. These platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube has connected us all. It’s new, it’s innovative, and it’s here! But, how does a business get the attention of their audience when everyone is fighting for the attention of the people on these platforms. Well, this process hasn’t changed…You have to chose to do the follow:

  1. Pay to have the platform promote your product or service
  2. You create a massive amount of content in hopes that people recognize you as they scroll through their feed
  3. Your create really good content that shares the story of you, your brand, what you stand for, and who your product is for.

At some point you should be a doing a mix of all three, but where you should start is Sharing Your Story. I believe Your Story Is Your Brand and it should be used as the foundation to your marketing.

But, how does this generate awareness for your business?

Well, do you remember how I said the traditional media outlets got the eyeballs of the people? They created interesting content that their audience showed interest in. Now that you have direct access to the social media outlet, you can do the same.


  1. Research- Know the people that actually see value in your product or service, and have purchased from you.
  2. Strategize- Understand exactly what you want this content to do. What is your Call To Action, and how will you measure it?
  3. Plan- Marketing is the bloodline to your business. Develop a plan that includes Consistency, Quality, and How You Will Measure Success
  4. Listen- Read the data. Just like any marketing approach, you really don’t know if it’s affective and generates value to your bottom line until you TEST & IMPROVE. Take the time to look beyond just the likes, and shares. Dive into the comments, reach out to those who engage, and ask real questions to see how you can create better content.

By doing these things you can develop marketing simply through telling your story. A good story that resonates with your market will unite your brand with its audience and demonstrate your commitment to providing value. It will also show your market that you understand their concerns, fears and desires.

With a story entwined throughout your product, and within your branding itself, you’ll be able to better connect with your audience because you’re showing them why your brand even exists and how it was created to help them.

And that’s powerful stuff!


Today, I’d like you to kick-start the information-gathering phase. This is where you take some time to analyze your brand so you can determine a relevant storyline for your brand.

You’ll need to take a step back so you can gain insight into how your audience will likely see your brand, not how you know it to be. This isn’t always easy because of your connection with your products and services.

Begin by writing down notes relating to:

  • Your brand’s purpose: Why it exists. How it began.
  • Your brand’s influence: What you bring to the table.
  • Your brand’s problem-solving: How you bring solutions to
    your market.

These questions will help shape your storytelling strategy and make it easier for you to create the foundation for your marketing strategy and campaigns.

Till then,

Create the Day You Want

Create With No Fear

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