Faith + Believing is a wonderful thing and you should take every chance you can to experience it. I’m talking Faith + Belief in yourself. Believing that you can achieve exactly what you sought out to do, no matter what the environment is telling you to believe. Now, it may not come the way you expected or wanted it to, but stick with it long enough and it will come. If people had more Faith + Belief in their dreams and aspirations there would not be nearly as much chaos as there is on a daily basis. Sadly it isn’t that easy, because to acquire faith you have to be tested. And, just the sheer thought of being tested and the possibility of failing can bring all that Faith + Belief to a halt…and in strolls Doubt, Worry, and Fear.

Today we will go over the importance of living your life with Faith + Belief, and not from Fear. I’ll provide some examples of ways in which you can do so.

Lead With Love

The power of love is enormous. Think about all of the things that love has made you do in the past. Some of them might have been a little crazy or poor decisions, right? If love has the power to make you do things that you would not normally do, it surely has the power to help us live our life in a proper manner and to serve our community. You are more likely to succeed in establishing a connection and building a relationship with people if you are doing it out of love, and not out of fear. As well, people will notice it and appreciate your actions more if they are out of love and not fear.

You may be wondering why? Why am I talking about love on a entrepreneur blog? Why is this important to the business I’m trying to grow? Why should I even consider doing things out of love? Well, here is an example:

Think of a child who is only behaving because they fear discipline if they are seen, so as soon as you leave the room they misbehave. Now on the other hand, a child that is behaving out of love will continue to behave even after you leave the room. This shows that the child is behaving because they know it is right and not only because they do not want to be disciplined. The same idea can be applied to the relationship between you and your team, your business partners, your tribe, and definitly your clients. Learn to Appreciate Each Day

Show Gratitude

Learning to appreciate each day is a great way of learning how to live in the here and now. No one is guaranteed to live to the next day so every morning you open your eyes in bed you should be truly grateful. Take a look out of a window or step outside and take a moment to appreciate all of the beautiful creations in life.

When you can appreciate where you are in life, business, and the opportunities that are present, you can approach this entrepreneurial roller coaster with an open mind. There are time where you will just get STUCK! Mentally you can be in this stuck place for a while, when the opportunity for the solution is right in front of your face. But, you couldn’t hear or see them.

Approach that same challenge with gratitude…you’ll be amazed at how things will start falling into place for you and your business. Your mind will gravitate to solutions instead of the challenge at hand.

Stop Worrying

RELAAAAAAX! I believe to establish a good connection with the entrepreneur you envision yourself being you have to live in the here and now and stopping worrying.

Stop worrying about the right post…Stop worrying about what people may say…Stop worrying about the past mistakes…Stop worrying about your likes + followers…

Stop stressing yourself out all of the time! Stress kills. Begin putting more Faith + Belief in yourself and the skills that got you here. This will not only alleviate some of your stress, but your Faith + Belief will also be rewarded one way or another.


Man, you’re good! You’ve been gifted with a unique perspective, a creative thought, a heightened skill and it’s okay if people don’t get it right now. As long as you stick to your plan and see it through, they eventually will.

Fear Less…Do More!

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